CHAMPION—April 10, 2023

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TLC stands for ‘tender loving care’ and for Theresa, Lynette, and Carol, a sweet gospel trio. They play all around the area in nursing homes, the Senior Center, and were even featured at the Denlow School Reunion last year. They joined the Vanzant Jam Thursday to celebrate their friend, Candi Bartsch, with old tunes they had played together in days gone by—“That Little Mountain Church House” and others. There were sixteen in the circle that evening from all around the country, all with good memories of a good friend. A student of David Scrivner, Candi played “Red Wing,” “Old Indiana,” “Florida Blues” and other old fiddle tunes. Her husband, Jeff, says he will make it a point to be at the jam every Thursday going forward. It is a good plan and good comfort for anyone needing some uplifting. Music is good medicine. “There stands a glass,” said Jerry Wagner. He also said that he and Lena had been over to Seymour to see his sister Sally Prock and that she was having a good day. To have a good day is our best hope.
Mistakes in The Champion News give us a chance to revisit a nice subject. Beverly Coffman Emery’s birthday was April 7th, not April 6th as reported here. The fun connected with her birthday is worth reporting twice. At least once she was seen on the internet in a sombrero being Generally serenaded. “I’m surprised ain’t nobody shot you yet.” Was a laughing comment from Butch Linder when this permutation of the “Champion Items” was new sixteen or so years ago, as he perceived the article to have taken a liberal bent. He may or may not have meant it, but he is cordial these days and may appreciate his birthday, April 3rd, being mentioned, even if late. Kim Linder Porter spilled those beans. Check out online going back to 2006 to see what other beans may have been spilt.

April 15 and 16 will be good days to plant root crops, according to the almanac. Then the moon changes and the 20th and 21st will be good days for above the ground crops. The 24th to the 26th will be good days for starting seed beds, planting flowers and other above the ground crops. Asparagus is beginning to pop up. Just ask Edie and Lee Richardson. You can ask them most anything about gardening and bee keeping. They are founts of knowledge and willing to share. If you have willpower, try a trip to Sue’s Greenhouse up north of Norwood. She seems to have acres of everything wonderful that you wanted and more acres of things you did not even know you wanted. It is really spring.

The tornado that caused such havoc in Little Rock recently leapt over into Tennessee to tear things up there. Fortunately, Readyville saw no serious injuries or loss of life, though there was a great deal of damage to an historic old mill and homes built in the early 1800s. Champion daughter, Linda Watts, was visiting here when it happened. She and her family cut their visit short to get back there to check on their business and property. She said that though some of their workshops and vehicles were damaged, they were fortunate that the business office was spared with all their computers and records. She also remarked that it was beautiful to see the community coming together to help get things back together. Champion daughters are a source of much joy. Deward’s great granddaughter Emily just enjoyed a trip to Greece. Our Scots daughter is still in Argentina swimming with wild penguins and cormorants. Another spent a few days here helping the old folks in the garden and the kitchen and then headed back to Atlanta to be at work on Monday morning. Springtime company is some of what keeps Old Champions—Looking on the Bright Side!