November 20, 2023

CHAMPION—November 19, 2023


Gratitude shines on many faces in Champion.  The Prominent Champion is grateful that his chain saw is in the emergency room and not the morgue.  The Cowboy is grateful for himself.  Beverly Hutchison’s friends from over in Ozark are grateful to have had a glorious sunny day in November to go ‘four wheeling’ on their fancy ‘side by sides’ with friends on a scenic escapade through Champion going on toward Rockbridge for lunch.  First time visitors to the Bright Side seemed to find the place quaint and reminiscent of a former more convivial time.  Out on the wide veranda, The General, was also grateful for Champion, for the wide veranda, and for the Historic Emporium on which it stands, along with the merchant’s genial hospitality.  He expressed gratitude for a root-beer float and for the opportunity to get acquainted with so many of the interesting newcomers to the area.  He can usually tell them history of the piece of land they now own.  Little Stewarts, two year old Elena and six week old Benjamin will be signing up for Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library.  Champions are grateful for children, reading, Dolly Parton, family and friends and the mild weather that has deer hunters cozy in their stands.

Reports are that deer season has been good so far.  Trophies will be mounted; freezers will fill when the processing’s done.  Many people in these parts process their own deer–a good skill to have.  “Road Hunters Beware” signs have shown up in some very rural areas.  Deer hides donated to the Veterans for wheelchair gloves and ‘Sharing the Harvest’ are good programs.  Anyone with a favorite venison jerky recipe to share can send it to or to The Champion News, Rt. 72 Box 367, Norwood, MO 65717.  Please.  Dustin says that when he is out truck driving, he buys the Teriyaki Jerky in the truck stops.  He also likes the Mongolian Jerky.  Wolf Pen Hollow’s cattle rancher and dump truck driver says the best jerky recipe left his family in a divorce.  A Tennessee Champion by marriage is said to have a good one.

Friends headed to Norwood for a bridge game almost found themselves in the middle of a parade.  Apparently, Santa and the Missus made a sashay through the town with fire trucks, floats, marching bands, and horses.  The main thoroughfare was lined with expectant onlookers.  Candy was flung among the children and a glorious day weather-wise made it one of those days they will remember when they are old folks.

Community support for the Barry family has been inspiring.  It is beautiful to see.  The Peace Valley Poultry folks stepped up immediately with solid support.  Many others are finding ways to help this precious young family.  Jason Barry has organized a GoFundMe page, raising funds to allow Jeff access to a good physical rehabilitation center, purchase a wheelchair van, pursue additional alternative treatments, cover medical bills, and assist with future unforeseen expenses that will arise while the Barry family focuses on healing.  Find all the information on the “Jean’s Heathway” Facebook page if you spend time online.  Otherwise, pop into the store on the southwest corner of the square and do what you can.  Jason says, “We have great faith that Jeff will recover, and yet this journey will be an epic one.  Let us ease the burden for this family who has dedicated so much of their life in service to others.”

“What do you have to be grateful for?”  It is a good question.  Maybe it gets asked this time of the year more than at other times.  All year, daily, we count our many blessings in Champion—Looking on the Bright Side!


CHAMPION—November 13, 2023


Wednesday the Skyline Area Volunteer Fire Department posted a photo of the aftermath of an accident that occurred at the intersection of C Highway and 76. There were two cars—one with a damaged fender and one upside down. We later learned that it was the Barry family’s car that had been hit by a drunk driver. Rachel and their two small children were able to walk away from the crash, but Jeff was life-flighted to Springfield with a severe spinal cord injury. The other driver was taken into custody. Rachel is co-owner and operator of Jean’s Healthway which has been serving the area for many years. The Ava community, loyal customers and the staff family are stepping up to help in any way they can. Rachel says, “Things you can do–pray. Pray for my kids as they transition into change. Pray for the intoxicated driver. Pray for strength. Pray for neurogenesis.” With the whole world struggling one way or another, the chance to help anyone in any way is a gift.

Happy chance brought Tim Tamburino and Sarah to the Vanzant Jam on Thursday. They travel all over the country visiting and recording bluegrass jams for their Midwest Bluegrass Directory. They can be found on the internet highlighting groups and jams and keeping a calendar of events current. Tim is the guy in the red shirt and straw cowboy hat with all the photography and recording equipment. Sarah is the smiling support staff nearby. She is looking forward to her retirement and they are thinking about relocating to New Mexico one day. They probably have bluegrass out there, and they will have more when Tim and Sarah get there. Meanwhile, we will enjoy them while they are still in our neighborhood.

Happy (When do you ever see two newspaper paragraphs in a row start with “Happy”?) Happy Birthday to Veteran Dean Brixey on November 18th. His Dad built that rock house up on CR239 in 1941, and Dean was born in 1942. Champion Elva Ragland had her birthday on the 19th as did Seven Springs Julie January Ring in different generations. Thanksgiving Day falls this year on the birthday of the grandmother of Zack, Seamus, and Elizabeth, so she has triple reasons on top of many others to be happy and grateful. Holly Zappler up in Bethlehem, PA may party on November 24th. The 26th is for Lannie Hinote, beloved aunt and former Skyline School Teacher who has shared her teaching gift in Yukon Village, Alaska in recent years. John Webber’s grandson, Thomas Jernigan, over in Washington was two years old on the 26th in 2017. Carolyn Nunn Harvey and Skyline fourth grader Aubrey Lewis celebrate on the 27th. Aubrey is a fierce competitor in the game room at the Champion Store. Just ask the Prominent Champion. The 27th was also the birthday of Veteran W.A. Masters, born in 1914, in Frog Level, Oklahoma. He lived to be 73. He did a lot of hard work, a lot of good, and made a lot of music along the way. Any corny old country song you can think of was probably part of Uncle Al’s repertory from “The Old Knot Hole” all the way up to “The Flying Purple People Eater.” He played “Listen to the Mockingbird” on the French Harp. He and Tim Tamburino could have enjoyed each other’s company. Geoff Bartch plays harmonica and does a lovely rendition of “Amazing Grace.” His birthday is on the 28th. Christopher Boyd is in the second grade at Skyline. His birthday is the 29th. The paragraph will end as it started saying, “May all your birthdays be Happy!”

November 11th is the special day set aside to acknowledge our many Veterans who have willingly done what has been asked of them in service of our safety and security. Freedom and Democracy are ours due to their service and sacrifice. It is absolutely appropriate to recognize our Veterans every day. Thank you. Though Democracy seems kind of shaky these days, political divisiveness does not interfere with the good sense of community that keeps us Champions—Looking on the Bright Side!
