May 25, 2024

CHAMPION—May 20, 2024



Between bouts of tumultuous weather, nature is providing us with much beauty. We appreciate it and the many other beautiful things that come around this time of year. Graduation gatherings celebrating the accomplishments of young people are some rich moments. Teachers see the results of their work. Young students look forward to their own commencements. Parents, families, and friends get to revel in the accomplishments of their special graduates and to wish them success in their new beginnings. It is a memorable time for all involved.

Those who had asked Santa for mud back during those long dry days are now enjoying the garden lushness brought on by copious amounts of rain. It would be alright if things were to balance out a bit. If it were possible to order rain, some would ask for half an inch or a little more per week. We will just work with what we get and be glad of it. The moon will have changed, and the last days of the month will be good days to plant root crops and to prune to encourage growth. The garden gives us more than food and good exercise. Watching things grow boosts our spirits. Wildflowers along our winding, bumpy country roads help us to drive slow enough to keep our rigs intact. Early on, the wild purple phlox caught our eye. Then we had miles of blooming multiflora rose and now we are enjoying little daisies. The bees enjoy them too and we are forever grateful to the bees for their part in keeping the world in food.

This is a musical part of the world. Sunday singing is a good way to start the week. Monday has the time honored McClurg Jam and Sharry Lovan’s jam in Willow Springs. Gina Hollingshad hosts a jam at Roy’s Store in Dora on Tuesday. Wednesday has the Barber Shop Jam in Ava, and a porch jam in Champion. Thursday is a lively affair in Vanzant and Ava’s Barn jam has moved to the Senion Center. Saturday surely has something musical going on. The New Grass Attack performed at a well-attended political function in Vanzant on a recent Saturday. They have been a mainstay in local music for a good many years.

Former students and graduates of the Denlow and Fairview Schools will be enjoying their 38th School Reunion on Saturday the 25th. Alumni from far and wide, together with friends and family members, will get together at the Denlow Baptist Church and Cemetery starting around ten in the morning. For the potluck luncheon, Master chef Ed Williams will again prepare fish and chicken with the good supervision of Sonja. Attendees are encouraged to bring a side dish and/or desert. Coffee and soft drinks will be provided. There will be an auction for any donated items/treasures. Hopefully, the Kentucky colonel (auctioneer) will be here with his lovely wife who has ‘Alsup’ in her name. There will be time for some reminiscing, yarn spinning and all kinds of merriment. Everyone is welcome.

This gathering happens annually on the Saturday of the Memorial Day weekend. That is the time designated to honor the men and women who died while in serving in the U.S. military. A small percentage of the population of our country serve in the military, but they are there to protect all the rest of us. Thank a Veteran any chance you get. The holiday is still thought of as Decoration Day by many. Our local cemeteries blossom again with the flowers placed on the resting places of dear loved ones. We remember them and acknowledge the parts they played in our lives. Our old folks taught us how to live and would have liked for us to do a good job of it as Champions—Looking on the Bright Side!

A Champion Fritillary

CHAMPION—May 20, 2024



Wednesday, May 15, found the Champion Square full of horse trailers and horses. They came from Dora, Macomb, Ava, Norwood, Fordland, West Plains, Mountain Grove, Pontiac, Edgar Springs, and Theodosia. The riders, Calvin Chambers, Cash Depriese, Lynn Johns, Andrew Harden, Caleb Harden, Juniper Wiley, Cody Greenfield, Bob Wheeler, Kay Rex, Loran Cockrum, Frank and Conny M., Corey Finch, Jennifer Wolf, Debi Sims, Jeff Alcorn, and Don Hamby made a twelve-mile loop in about four hours, then repaired to the wide veranda for ice cream and yarn spinning. Reports mentioned no bad dogs or mishaps and the mild and pleasant weather made for a beautiful ride. Many of these folks had the pleasure of riding with Bud Hutchison over the years. Andrew Harden has been leading Bud Hutchison Memorial Trail Rides out of Champion in the spring and fall since his passing in 2018. Bud would be pleased to see the young folks on this ride doing what he loved to do.
