CHAMPION—February 21, 2022
Ozark beauty.
“Time goes by so slowly, and time can do so much.” This up-tempo doo-wop song tells the tale. Sharry Lovan and Gina Holligshad donned their poodle skirts and bobby socks to sing back-up with Do-Wop David Whetrock at the Star Theatre in Willow Springs on Saturday. The General, illustrious (and authorized) reviewer of all arts for The Champion News, reported: “This was a super fantastic excellent show.” The New Grass Attack had played there on Friday, also to excellent reviews. Here is a great YouTube video of that performance. Cheyenne McIntosh, one of the guitar players and singers in that group, is our music teacher at the Skyline School. We are fortunate to live in a part of the world so rich in musical talent and appreciation.
Certain songs remind us of certain people. “Waiting For a Train” and “I Wonder How The Old Folks Are At Home” make us think of Jerry Wagoner, a favorite fine fiddler. “Hot Corn Cold Corn” and “Life is Like a Mountain Railway” bring banjo player Norris Woods to mind. “Once More” calls up memories of Lonnie Krider with Wayne Anderson and his family. Who will be the entertainment at the Skyline VFD chili supper on March 19th? It is sure to be a stellar evening with all that good food, the chance to hob nob with neighbors and to meet new ones in support of our volunteer firefighters. And music!
Esther Keller Wrinkles’ home place. |
More Skyline birthdays in February are those of first graders, Makenzie Jonas and Rayleigh Harvey, on the 9th and the 18th. Prekindergarten student, Sadie Hurt, has her birthday on February 23rd, the same day as third grader Antonella Castillejos. Other Champion birthdays are those of Joanna Bell on the 21st, and of Skyline alumnus, Staci Krider Cline, on the 23rd. The 24th is for Ruth Fish Collins with her lovely velvet voice, and for Arne Ahlstedt, already in the garden starting seeds on the most fertile days, the 21st and 22nd. Those are also Presidents’ day and Washington’s birthday. Tomorrow will be written numerically as 02-22-2022. Time is nebulous already, and with eleven days in the month sporting twos, it is just two too much. March on. Spring is on the way in just 28 days!
Thunder in February–frost in May is a local adage. Old Champions used to say, “There’ll come a day in February when the dog looks for the shade.” Those are the nice days, the warm ones. And on the cold ones, some are doing the deep cleaning that brings surprises. Many old folks are paring down, trying to let go of their life-long accumulation of worldly goods, a daunting task. Newly found letters from old friends, long gone, and rediscovered precious mementoes fuel nostalgia. We look back lovingly on sweet parts of the past and we look forward to better days ahead in Champion–Looking on the Bright Side!
Orville’s Barn
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