The Champion Store

On Earth Day, April 22nd, Texas Champion Becky Heston shared, “If you want evidence that the world is a terrible place, watch the news and surf the web. But if you want to remember how incredible this planet is, go out into nature. Unlike social media and the news, nature has no incentive to keep us agitate, angry, and anxious.” We feel blessed to have smart friends and doubly blessed to live in such a beautiful part of the world. Sunday and Monday mornings were frosty in the low spots. The weather seems most unsettled.

Young family folks from big cities marvel at spring happening in the country. “It’s so quiet” they say, “except for the birds! How can such a little thing make such a big sound?” While marveling they lent their hands to some of the hard work that gardening requires this time of the year. Joe tilled and raked rocks and tilled again. Corinne planted beets and radishes and made a significant improvement to the Sometimes Porch Band on Wednesday, the first time they have played outside this year. She is a classically trained musician playing the big fiddle called the viola, steeped in Eastern European music, but most interested in learning the kind of stuff played around here. Before she left, she had “Ashokan Farewell” mastered. Butch Stone happened by and requested “The Eighth of January” and “Faded Love” among others. She made a list and plans to be back on the porch sometime soon.

Soon we will find out from Andrew Harden when the spring trial ride in memory of Bud Hutchison will happen. Skyline seventh grade student Juniper Wiley knows Kaleb Harden and figures she can find out from him when it will occur. She rides her horse to the Champion Store. Her birthday is coming up on the 28th. This is her first year at Skyline and she loves it. There is a lot to love about Skyline. The Tigers just had their ‘field day’ on Friday. Also, on that day the Pre-K, Kindergarten, and First grade had a good time at Rutledge Wilson Farm. The annual ‘fun run’ sponsored by the Krispy Kreme folks will happen at the end of the month. Graduation is on the horizon and summer soon to follow–all a testament to the swift passage of time.

While pausing in the middle of the road to photograph some beautiful chickens, an Old Champion happened to meet a pleasant young man by the name of Eric. He is originally from Lincoln, Nebraska and his wife is a native of Houston, Texas. They are Juniper’s friends, staying in Downtown Champion, hoping to locate permanently in the area with their two month old baby. He is operating a business Called Property Beautification Services. (417-259-1672) He does roof and gutter cleaning, power-washing, yard and garden work, and builds garden beds, trellises, and planters. It is encouraging to have young, hardworking people interested in becoming Champions. There are any number of old folks who can use the help.

Good news came from Jerry Wagner that his sister Sally is getting stronger. It will be good to see her back at the jam one of these days. Sherry Bennet has a whole CD full of ‘possum’ songs. There is another to add to the list, a favorite of the Prominent Champion, “The Possum Creeps Tonight.” It turns out that there are also several songs about pigs. One was just a poem shared by fellow Veteran, Mr. Chaffey, to The General, who summarily set it to music and then proceeded to introduce it with a flourish at the Vanzant Jam, much to the delight of the Shumate sisters and others who had already been giggling over the antics of David Richardson. Another pig-specific song was requested, but the hour was late, and we missed it. Chances are good the whole community will eventually be subjected to it. We can wait in Champion—Looking on the Bright Side!

Champion Goldfinches

Blue Grosbeak
Rose-breasted Grosbeak