The Skyline Saturday Swap Meet went on nicely despite an early morning rain. Good farm eggs, fried pies and cracker jack caramel corn, little bunny rabbits and free puppies were just some of the interesting offerings. Meeting up with old friends and neighbors made it a beautiful morning. Helen had some onions and carrots already and said by the next time she will have cucumbers to share. Summer will be here ‘er long and this swap meet will be a regular highlight.

Another piece of excitement comes with the progress on the new Skyline VFD firehouse. It is a big red building with three big bays. One of these days the fire trucks will be parked in there and there will be a training room and all kinds of amenities that have been a long time in coming.

Thursday’s jam at Vanzant was lovely if sparsely attended. HOBA’s big festival in West Plains and other bluegrass events drew a number of musicians and regular aficionados away, but they will be back, and everyone is welcome to this great Thursday night affair. Potluck is at 6:00 and the music starts at 7:00 on the dot. Bring your acoustic instrument, your voice and your appreciation for the music out to the Vanzant Community Building for the pleasure of communing with old friends and making new ones. Music is good medicine. Wednesday’s Champion porch jam gets an additional musician occasionally—always a treat. A lovely rumor has it that J.c. Owsley will venture down from Cross Timbers to take a tour of the Denlow Cemetery on Wednesday. Thereafter he plans a sojourn out on the wide veranda for refreshments and music. He has been to Champion many times in the distant past, once on a big white borrowed mule named Dot and another time on a handsome horse named Junior. This time he will be in the company of The General, who is well known for horsing around. He recently was able to entice a lady to attend the Vanzant Jam by promising to wear a grass skirt. She came. He did. Of course, he did.

Monday had excitement out on Cold Springs Road. Tony, an illustrious Rt. 72 mail carrier, making his rounds, found himself stuck in a washed-out spot in Wolf Pen Hollow. He walked halfway to the Bright Side and up a steep driveway to find a phone. Good luck had him talking to Blaine Denlow’s dad who was on his way home from Brushy Knob. It probably happened that Wes pulled Tony’s rig backwards out of the gravel until he got to a wide enough place to go around him. Then, he pulled him forward through the gravel so he could continue his appointed rounds. It may have happened another way, but Tony was lucky to meet a good neighbor. He said he had delivered mail up around Cabool where the roads are much better. While the roadside flowers and overhanging boughs here are amazingly beautiful, the paths themselves are rough and rugged.

One of the many things Old Champions like about their White River Valley Electric Cooperative is that they seldom loose power even in the big storms because the right-of-way spaces are kept clear. The cooperative is vigilant about tree trimming. They have also strung fiber-optic cables all along the power lines and one of these sweet days members will be able to access substantial, reliable internet. That means distant young folks with on-line jobs can come to see the old folks and stay a spell. They will bring fancy food stuffs and will be looking for projects for exercise. They will get to enjoy country living and help the old folks. It will be a dream come true. So, come on, White River, Connect!

Television reporting of the June 6, 1944, D Day invasion of Normandy reminded us of the sacrifices of those called ‘the greatest generation’ whose efforts were largely responsible for the defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II. General Eisenhower visited with the paratroopers before they deployed in advance of the amphibious invasion. Film records of that meeting showed him to be the leader that was needed for the time. We salute those Veterans and all those serving since those tumultuous days. Thank you from your friends in Champion—Looking on the Bright Side!

Skyline VFD's New Firehouse
Skyline VFD’s new firehouse.