Champion’s week started with a snow blanket and ended with some prodigious mud. McClurg’s own Tom Peters came over Wednesday to see what the Bright Side was all about. We hope he will be a regular visitor, maybe bringing an instrument to play. He has kept the McClurg Jam going for several years now and seems to enjoy it. He is originally from Illinois but has made a good home in these parts for some while and is helping to carry on some valuable traditions.
                  Thursday saw a very welcome ‘first footer’ at the door. Caio Cesar Marcelino, a contractor with the White River Connect folks, came to install the wonderfully high-speed internet for some old folks who have been struggling with the BS for years. The ‘first footer’ gift of Jalapeno Jelly made him smile. He said he thought about his Monther in Brazil. She loves to make jams and jellies, but jalapeno is new to him. He said there are many wonderful fruits growing where his Mother lives and she makes excellent use of them. He agrees that this highspeed internet helps us stay connected with oved ones, but that it does not replace their hugs. He is a guitar player who says he knows a few chords. He concurs that music is good medicine and is appreciative of the important role it plays in bringing people together. He lives over around Branson so most likely he will have a jam to join. Hopefully, he will find one like the Vanzant Jam, where there were thirteen in the music circle Thursday and smiles all around the room. There are plenty of reasons to be happy.
                    Champions gathered in numbers on Saturday to celebrate the birthday of arguably the hardest working woman in Champion. Many friends and neighbors shared the cakes brought by Ethel Leach and Reba Bishop and many other tasty treats. Mike O’Brian came with Kaitly McConnell, who was just back from Spain. She brought a bunch of tiny cornmeal pecan pies for our enjoyment. She and Mike are always welcome visitors. David Richardson shared some memories with a Champion back when he was a young curly headed policeman, and she was walking the streets of Mountain Grove with a mail bag. They are both grandparents now. Time flies. David enjoyed the party but had to leave early to make it to a music jam in Hartville as part of the Whetstone Band. There were many expressions of appreciation for Betty and all that she does for the community.
                   Mrs. Henson shares her birthday on the 19th with J.c. Owsley, a Champion up in Cross Timbers. The 20th is for Blaine’s grandma Sharon Woods and for Alvan Barnhart. Alvin was at the party Saturday sharing news of Beverly’s declining health. Good thoughts go to Beverly. Skyline fifth grade student Paxton Elgie shares his birthday with wild woman Brenda Coffman Massey. Eighth grader Jersey Hall shares a birthday with seventh grader Blake McIntosh on the 24th. The Cowboy’s sweetheart, Joyce Coonts, enjoys the 26th for her big day and Skyline alumnus Kay Alexander will party on the 7th. We remember fondly Dwight Collins on his birthday on the 29th. Sherry Bennett’s daughter Loneda and James Brixey were both born on January 30th. Jacob Brixey just celebrated his 15th birthday in the first Archery tournament of the season. Saturday’s celebrations ended with another KC Chiefs’ victory.
                   This week starts with brutally cold weather. It is particularly hard on farmers and others who have to be out in it. Thank you for all you do for the rest of us and be safe. It just takes a second for something serious to happen. We cannot imagine what all may happen in the near and distant future, but we can nurture some joy and optimism, being grateful for our blessings and hopeful like Champions–Looking on the Bright Side!
