We celebrate our first responders and all those who work to keep u safe and to help in the aftermath of tragedies.  Watching the radar on Friday night had Champions holding their breath, at the same time grateful for safety and anxious for those in danger.  With floods and fires, sandstorms and tornadoes and people in the path, we hope to comfort and console and help where we can.
Skyline R2 School student birthdays are 4th grader Lillith Jeffery on March 16th, 7th grader Wyatt Carrol on the 20th, 3rd grader Aliyiea Trujillo on the 27th, and 6th grader Tucker Johnson on the 30th.  The birthdays of three more special people all occur on Marach 23rd.  Those folks are Donald Powell (who can repair your washing machine or almost any appliance and who has a lovely singing voice), Elva Upshaw (who does good work in Ozarks Healthcare and happens to be The General’s fair daughter) and Judie Pennington (who has black bears visiting her every year and who suggests that the real luxuries in life are time, health, a quiet mind, slow mornings, ability to travel, rest without guilt, a good night’s sleep, calm and “boring” days, meaningful conversations, home-cooked meals, people you love and people who love you back.)  Happy birthdays and happy every day to all of you!
This week Skyliners enjoy Spring Break.  Spring arrives on Thursday.  Gardeners are already ready.  March 13the marked the day of the first tick of the year crawling on and Old Champion who was happy to get his potatoes in the ground on St. Patrick’s Day. Tom Peters shared the “Irish Washer Woman” as a tribute to St. Patrick.  Old folks who cannot make it to the McClurg Jam on Mondays very much appreciate being able to join the fun, even if it is just online.  Thanks also go to the good cattle farmers who are willing to share that good stuff the cows made last year for the fertility of the soil.  Music and the tiller, shovel and rake are some of the tools that help us grow our own food and help us keep grounded in turbulent times.
Julie and Tom Heyer, Champion friends from Webster Groves up in St. Louis, were on their way to their country place in Thornfield Thursday and stopped by to have lunch and visit in Champion.  Julie brought a beautiful pecan pie to donate to the fundraiser for the Vanzant Community Building.  It is made with pecans from Alabama.  It is frozen to be thawed for the benefit on the 22d.  It comes in a good pan that you can bake your own pies in and with a neat cover that will let you take your pie to your friend’s house or to your mother’s house.  Bake a pie or come and be a high bidder on one of the amazing home-made pies at the auction.  Doors open a 5 p.  The auction starts at 6 pm.  The fun goes on and on for a good cause.
A note from Julie on Saturday said, “Friday night’s wild weather–the southern horizon was lit up four hours with lightning, yet we heard very little thunder.  The sky overhead was clear.  We watched Orion on its journey.  Then the full mood came up.  Wow!  We stopped at Rockbridge for a fish sandwich on Saturday and heard the news that Bakersfield got hit hard.  We saw a lot of damage in Rolla along 63 going north to 44 on our way home.”  We hope the next time Tom and Julie come to visit things will be less ‘eventful.’
Eventful events concern some citizens.  If you are concerned, reach Senator Hawley at 202-224-6154 and Senator Schmitt at 202-224-5721.  Our district 8 Congressman Smith is at 573-335-0101.  There are any number of Public Servants obligated to serve our best interest.  They work for Us and are charged to do good by us.  Dolly Parton said, “If I ever was good, I was as good as I ever was.”  Spoken like a Champion–Looking on the Bright Side!
